October 30, 2012 posted by dre

superhero pumpkins

superhero painted pumpkins

inspiration hits me at strange times…

like while taking a shower.

i’m not always great at being creative on demand.  i would totally suck at one of those reality t.v. shows like top chef or project runway.

i know, i know, “what’s your point and where is the recipe???”  i’ll get there in a minute…

so a few weeks ago, one of the trainers at camp hero (the gym i work at) asked me about pumpkin ideas for a contest with the other businesses in our building.  i thought for a few minutes but couldn’t come up with anything “contest worthy”.

then, over the weekend it hit me!! camp hero……superhero pumpkins!!  duh!!

i immediately started to do work on some pumpkins.  5 pumpkins to be exact.  spiderman, superman, batman, captain america, and green lantern.  this was going to be epic.  we would win for sure!

superhero painted pumpkins

I’m not gonna lie…people were impressed.  i even impressed myself on this one!

okay, fast forward 24 hours from my premature victory dance…to this morning.

i see one of the ladies in the building taking down the pumpkin contest signs.  so i ask, “is the contest over?!?”  she looked at me with a sympathetic smile and said, “yes, it was over friday.”

seriously?  i was never even in the race?!?

talk about demoralizing!

well, kinda…

my only solace now is to be able to share them on my blog with you! ;)

so instead of a recipe, today i present you with my superhero painted pumpkins all designed by yours truly!

superhero painted pumpkins

instructions to make your own:

you will need:

  • medium sized pumpkins
  • acrylic paints (available for about 1 dollar each at hobby lobby)
  • disposable foam brushes
  • one very small straight edge paintbrush (to make lines straight)
  • a light colored sharpie (unless you’re really awesome and can free-hand with paint!)
  • (black & charcoal puffy paint for spidey)
superhero painted pumpkins

don’t laugh…but i googled “superhero” and chose the 5 characters/symbols that i thought would stand out the most!  begin by painting each pumpkin a solid color and letting it dry for at least 1 hour.  apply a second coat if needed.  leaving the very bottom unpainted is okay, i did that at the very end.  i printed and traced the batman picture as well as the center star on captain america.  the rest were done free-hand from looking off google!  once your design is complete, flip over the pumpkin and paint the base and let dry!  (i did the puffy paint in sections so i could stabilize my hand on the pumpkin while drawing the web)

just be creative! :)

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