June 12, 2013 posted by Dre

brussels sprout chips

‘cheesy’ brussels sprout chips.
gluten free, dairy free, raw, paleo, vegan, and delicious.
yes, for real.

cheesy brussels sprout chips

food prep.

this is a vitally important part of my life right now as i prepare for an upcoming fitness competition… so, i figured i would let you in on some of my favorite recipes that will help you keep your diet in check too!  that old saying,”failing to plan is planning to fail” couldn’t be more true! a few of my go-to healthy recipes during competition prep are egg & turkey muffins, juicy jalapeño turkey burgers, oven roasted green beans, and balsamic brussels sprouts!! (try some leftover brussels sprouts cold–i know it sounds weird, but it’s my favorite!  it makes them a perfect snack on-the-go!)

cheesy brussels sprout chips

while preparing my brussels sprouts before roasting them as usual, i looked at the pile of outer leaves that didn’t quite make the cut…and was inspired by an idea a friend gave me a few years ago!  brussel sprout chips! if you’ve ever made these, you know how delicious the crispy loose leaves are after you take them out of the oven!  imagine that…plus NACHO CHEESE flavor! oh, doritos…how i don’t even miss you! hah! i modified a recipe I used to use to make kale chips and created greatness.
deliciousness. a little piece of heaven in the form of a healthy, low carb chip! :)

cheesy brussels sprout chips

here’s the only catch… i made them in a food dehydrator.
there is something about dehydrating brussels sprouts (and kale) that completely eliminates any bitterness! (if you’ve ever tried to bake kale chips in the oven, you probably know what i’m talking about!)
don’t check out on me yet… if you don’t have one, investing in one would not be a bad idea. dehydrating food preserves so many more nutrients than baking it and especially more than microwaving it (which just zaps everything)!
or, you can bake your veggie chips…just know that you’re missing out a little! ;)
(you can check out a few of the very best dehydrator models i’ve researched and used at several price points, here!)

brussels sprout chips

brussels sprout chips


  • 2 lb brussels sprouts, washed, stems chopped and leaves separated
  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 1 cup cashews
  • 1 jalapeno
  • 1 tsp pink himalayan sea salt
  • 2 tbsp braggs nutritional yeast seasoning
  • 1/2 cup water
  • juice of 2 lemons


  1. after you wash the brussels sprouts, chop off the stem and set aside most of the big leaves in a large bowl...a few of them, i chopped down the stem a few times to get as many leaves as possible. (i saved the center part and roasted them afterwards!)
  2. add the remaining ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
  3. pour the mixture over the leaves a little at a time, tossing it with hands until all leaves are fully coated... the more coating, the cheesier the chips are!
  4. i laid down sheets of foil on my dehydrator trays and then placed the leaves down in a single layer until each tray was completely covered.
  5. set dehydrator to 118 degrees and let sit overnight (or for 8-10 hours...until crispy!)
  6. store in an airtight container! i will toss one of these in the baggie with them if i dont plan on eating them within a day or so. (that's the food companies' secret to keep them tasting crispy & fresh!)
  7. let's be honest...i'm lucky if they even make them off of the dehydrator tray into a bag! :)

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